7 October : World Habitat Day

Monday, October 07, 2013 1 Comments A+ a-

The United Nations has selected the primary Mon of October once a year as World Habitat Day.  This year, it'll be celebrated on seven October 2013. the aim of World Habitat Day is to mirror on the state of our cities and cities and also the basic right of all to adequate shelter. it's additionally meant to cue the globe that we have a tendency to all have responsibility to form the longer term of our cities and cities.

This year, the United Nations selected the theme Urban quality as a result of quality and access to product and services is important to the economical functioning of our cities and cities as they expand.Accessible cities encourage a shift towards additional property modes of transportation and draw additional and additional travellers out of cars and onto trains, buses, bike paths, and sidewalks.

But quality is regarding quite simply the mode of transport we have a tendency to use. Urban designing and style ought to specialize in the way to bring individuals and places along, by making cities that specialize in accessibility, and best urban densities,rather than merely increasing the length of urban transport infrastructure.

The United Nations’ (UN) World Habitat Day is annually celebrated on the primary Mon of October to mirror on the state of human settlements and people’s right to adequate shelter. It additionally aims to cue those that they're accountable for the surroundings of future next generations.

The UN’s World Habitat Day was initial celebrated in 1986 with the theme “Shelter is My Right”. Nairobi was allotted because the host town for the observance that year. This annual event is stayed the primary Mon of October with a replacement theme annually. Previous themes included: “Shelter for the Homeless” (1987); “Our Neighbourhood” (1995); “Future Cities” (1997); “Safer Cities” (1998); “Women in Urban Governance” (2000); “Cities while not Slums” (2001) and “Water and Sanitation for Cities” (2003).

An important highlight of the day is that the “Habitat Scroll of Honour” award, that was launched by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHSP) in 1989. it's believed to be the world’s most prestigious human settlements award and aims to acknowledge initiatives that create outstanding contributions in areas like shelter provision, highlight the plight of the homeless, leadership in post conflict reconstruction, and developing and rising the human settlements and also the quality of urban life.


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